jeudi 28 avril 2011


8 commentaires:

Vasia Kousia a dit…

i really enjoy couples like you!
you seem so lovely and free spirit!

Sophie Spetzler Eriksen a dit…

Haha, I love this. Makes me wanna put all my good memories together!
What's the name of the song? :-)

Give me a Big Closet a dit…

super cool.. u're so funny! great couple, really ;)


Dirty Grungy Things a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

you sound like a couple that is obsessed by your image and everything you do is just to make people liking you. Sounds so fake to me.
Margaux you are a waste.


Louise a dit…

C'est une vidéo que tu avais déjà posté, pourquoi la remettre de nouveau ?

Laurine a dit…

Vous dégagez tellement de bonheur...:)

Jennie a dit…

I am serious when I say that you are the most beautiful people on earth. haha and then I came to feel a little creepy to write it to people you do not know. But take it as a compliment instead to think I'm creepy ^^,