dimanche 6 juin 2010

ChAnGe --->

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

22 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Juste une question, comment fais-tu pour être toujours ultra bronzée?

Anonyme a dit…

La troisième photo vient d'où? enfin, les fringues sont de quelle marque?

Alix a dit…

Coool les photos ! ... certaines sont aussi sur fashiontoast non ? En tout cas excellente sélection, c'est très inspiré.

Masha a dit…

you blog is great! all the pictures are just amazing!!!


The Sweet Life a dit…

J'aime beaucoup ton univers! Tu ressembles à personne et c'est ça ta force!
The Sweet Life

Brooke a dit…

I just stumbled upon your blog the other day and I am in love!

cupcake a dit…

Love it

cupcake a dit…

Love it

Anonyme a dit…

Hi, love your blog but just a constructive advice: I think you should quote the source of your pictures when you take them from another blog (at least when they are an original work from that blogger or when that blogger is in the picture) good job anyway!

Anonyme a dit…

Love your blog, but just a constructive advice: I think you should quote the source of your pictures when you take them from another blog (at least when they are an original work from that blogger or she is on the picture) good job anyway!

Anonyme a dit…

every single picture is.. stunning! just like you!

Anonyme a dit…

I love how nearly half these photos were from fashiontoast's blog.

Anonyme a dit…

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, answer this question. I'm just wondering, you are SO skinny! Do you eat little? Or are you that skinny?
You are beautiful anyway :)

Anonyme a dit…

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, answer this question. I'm just wondering, you are SO skinny! Do you eat little? Or are you that skinny?
You are beautiful anyway :)

laura a dit…

wow wow so many hats. i adore the bustier bra top. it's lovely.

like a fox a dit…

great collection.

visit aussie style blog LIKE A FOX at


Anonyme a dit…

que de belles photos ! *_*
ah oui, j'oubliais, je passe tous les jours sur ton blog. tu es magnifique et tu fai de sublimes photos! <3.

Luna Love a dit…

love your blog.



Anonyme a dit…

Hi ! excuse moi je ne sais pas si mon msg precedent (mail) a fonctionné
je voulais savoir si t'avais des conseils à me donner pour une playslist pour une soiree... artistes, album, sites de telechargement gratuit...
PS : j'adoore ton blog, toi et ta zic !!!!!!

Anonyme a dit…

Il y a eu Birkin, Moss ... maintenant il y a Margaux ! Je découvre ton blog. Go on babe, you're wonderfull. Luv it !
(et surtout bravo pour cette force qui t'empêche d'insulter ou de supprimer)

La pépite modeuse a dit…

Très belles ces photoos ! J'aime bcp ton blog, tu proposes des articles très sympa et originaux :)

Parachute Pants a dit…

Hey! I love your blog.. I saw this photo of you ages ago.. Where did u get these boots from? I love them!
